Upon the release of our final opening for "Sins Of The Martyr" we recieved a varied, but generally positive response. Initial film critics such as Ryan Taylor, who claimed it "could easily be a blockbuster film" and Avraj Chaggar praised the film, stating that "looks like it has a high production value". Other reviews said "It would be a sin to miss!", and "This was a tour-de-force of an action thriller". It was described as"A fiercely visual feast of filmmaking", "Cinematic storytelling at its finest", and that it "Blows all other blockbusters out of the water!". I particularly enjoyed the review that called it a"A Martyr-piece of modern cinema" and my personal favourite, "Not bad.". Of course, I have decided to leave out the fierce criticism we did receive, but no one would really want to read any of that anyway...