In order to gather a wide range of feedback from our audience, we have devised a questionnaire that can be answered on a range of elements of our opening, such as visuals, editing and narrative and whether we had adherred to the conventions of the action thriller genre.
1. Did the opening meet your expectations of an action thriller?
"It exceeded each and every one of them, and blew them up to a whole new level" - Avraj C.
"I'm still recovering from the experience. It was like nothing I'd ever seen before" - Matthew B.
2. What did you think of the editing - did it support the camerawork?
"Not bad. An impressive grasp of the editing tools meant the opening retained its break-neck pace throughout!" - Leonard R.
"Not quite the professional standard I expected, but does the job" - Thelma M.
"The editor had a keen eye for the slick cinematography" - Roger D.
3. Did the location enhance the cinematic experience?
"The London location aided the high value look of the film - and added to the realistic threat of the film" - Boris J.
"The Christmas tree seemed out of place - it could've been used to greater effect" - Nicholas St.
"Clearly a well planned shoot" - James R.
4. Did the costumes conform to the conventions of the genre?
"Davidson was dressed for the job - dressed for ACTION" - Alexander MQ.
"Zubasu's grey striped suit gave him the air of a cold ruthless killer" - Alex B.
"I liked Caprivi's Thinsulate™ hat" - John D.
5. How did the musical score help to support the action?
"It was pure brilliance and really intensified the action" - Martin S.
"Up there with the greats. Hans Zimmer and John Williams, WATCH OUT!" - Thomas N.
"James Richardson - you are a musical god!" - Matthew B.
6. With all of that in mind, what improvements could be made to the opening - and what would like to see in the future from Enigma Entertainment?
"The storyline could be simplified as to prevent audience confusion. I had no idea what Yung was up to and why" - Avraj C.
"I didn't get it" - Zubin P.
"You could have used some older actors as it would've made the sequence more believable" - Ryan T.
"The editing lacked proper pacing and felt somewhat amateur. Spend more time on this!" - Joseph S.
"I would just LOVE to see a garden fight sequence where Lee Davidson takes out, like, TEN GUYS - four with his fists - two with a pole - and four with a shotgun!" - Alex B.