11 November 2012

Target Audience: Questionnaire Feedback

What is your favourite action sequence type of an action thriller?
 - Chases 46%
 - Fight Sequences 36%
 - Shoot-outs 18%
 - Other (Please Specify) 0%

What is the most important element of an action thriller?
 - Action Sequences 54%
 - The battle between good and evil 6%
 - A good-looking, muscular protagonist 20%
 - Stunning locations 20%

Which of these films do you prefer in relation to fighting style?
 - Sherlock Holmes (2009) 10%
 - The Bourne Identity 84%
 - The Dark Knight 6%

What trait do you value most in an action thriller protagonist?
 - Muscle and firepower 24%
 - Technique and cunning 46%
 - Good looks 20%
 - Uses militaristic semantics 10%

What sort of locations do you prefer in action thrillers?
 - Iconic buildings 72%
 - Iconic landscapes 15%
 - Small scale locations with their own personality 13%
 - Large scale landscapes 0%

In an action thriller would you sacrifice realism for spectacle?
 - Yes 97%
 - No 3%

What do you expect to take away with you from an action thriller?
 - A profound moral message 5%
 - An enjoyable spectacle 75%
 - An inspiration to achieve greatness 5%
 - A jealousy for the life of the protagonist 15%

What we have drawn from the success of this questionnaire and the responses we were given was that audiences are interested in and enjoy action openings that exchange realism for spectacle, with an emphasis on chase scenes and action sequences that feature well structured and brutal choreography, set in iconic locations with lead characters that display both technique and cunning. We are pleased with these results, as now we know that audiences will appreciate the type of film we intend to produce.