Similar to Annie Hall, Stranger Than Fiction's opening scene introduces us to the central character, played by Will Ferrell. This sequence is accompanied with the somewhat celestial narration provided by Emma Thompson explaining the specific peculiarities of the main character's everyday life, and employs clever and complex computer generated imagery to demonstrate its many points. The scene has a wild, kinetic style, following 'Howard' throughout his day, with a quirky and jazzy musical score, which highlights the genre of the film. In-depth statistics are used to define each and everything he does, in his life of solitude. Like the conventions romantic comedies, the main character is seemingly outcast from society, and significance is placed upon the fact that he is alone. At the very onset and at the very end, emphasis is drawn to his wristwatch, the final line creating an interesting enigma about its importance, which can only engage the audience into watching the film.
1 October 2012
Romance Opening Analysis: "Stranger Than Fiction"
Similar to Annie Hall, Stranger Than Fiction's opening scene introduces us to the central character, played by Will Ferrell. This sequence is accompanied with the somewhat celestial narration provided by Emma Thompson explaining the specific peculiarities of the main character's everyday life, and employs clever and complex computer generated imagery to demonstrate its many points. The scene has a wild, kinetic style, following 'Howard' throughout his day, with a quirky and jazzy musical score, which highlights the genre of the film. In-depth statistics are used to define each and everything he does, in his life of solitude. Like the conventions romantic comedies, the main character is seemingly outcast from society, and significance is placed upon the fact that he is alone. At the very onset and at the very end, emphasis is drawn to his wristwatch, the final line creating an interesting enigma about its importance, which can only engage the audience into watching the film.